Reflections on My Daily Bible Reading May 1, 2010
Today’s Reading: Mark 15-16
Today’s reading describes the deliverance of Jesus to Pilate by the Sanhedrin, his presentation of Jesus to the people, their mockery of Him, the crucifixion, and His death, burial and resurrection, followed by His post-resurrection appearances, the giving of the great commission and his ascension into heaven.
“What shall I do with Jesus?” is the impelling question that comes down through history to me today! The answer given to Pilate’s question by the Jews was, “Crucify him!” Although I live many years this side of the cross, I can live in such away as to crucify him once again and “hold him up to contempt,” according to Apostle Paul (Hebrews 6:6). My answer should be the same as the centurion who stood facing him when He breathed His last, “Truly this man was the Son of God!”
I will allow the memory of this crucifixion story to motivate me to live better today. I am sad that Jesus had to suffer for my sins but am grateful that He did. Lord, help me to fully appreciate your sacrifice and may I always be willing to present myself a living sacrifice to you.