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Consider Your Ways… PROCRASTINATION (Haggai 1:2-5)

Here is the outline of a sermon I preached at Park Hill church of Christ, Fort Smith, AR on April 2, 2017. I borrowed the outline from Brother Norman Sewell. Thank you brother Sewell ….

1. Haggai rebuked the people of Judah for working on their own homes, but procrastinating work on the temple. Coming back from Babylonian exile, they were to rebuild the temple of God. “God tells them, “Consider your ways.”
2. But procrastination is easy—finally I’ve found something I’m really good at. Bro. Sewell’s Personal example: put off making necessary repairs in kitchen. My example: put off yard work.
3. What are YOU procrastinating?

A. Consider the ant (Proverbs 6:6-11). A sluggard is a person who is lazy.
B. One devoid of understanding (Proverbs 24:30-34). Sometimes we put off due to laziness.
C. Offering excuses (Proverbs 26:13-16). We may even imagine obstacles.

A. Like the Jews (Haggai 1:2-5)
1. These people had just returned from Babylonian captivity.
2. They had other things on their minds. Their job is to rebuild the temple but there were many things to do that distracted them from accomplishing God’s purpose.

B. Earthly treasures (Matthew 6:19-21)
1. This verse is NOT teaching that God expects us to live w/o planning for the future.
2. But he IS telling us don’t put all your hope in this earthly, physical world!
C. Putting man over God (Matthew 6:24)
1. Man cannot serve God and “mammon” (material things) equally.
2. Jesus asked his disciples in the following verses why they worried so much.
D. Seek FIRST… (Matthew 6:33)
1. Why do we put off things we know that we need to do to be right with God
2. We put our own desires before God

A. Fear/ignorance (Matthew 25:24-25)
1. We sometimes put off doing things because we are a little bit afraid
2. Sometimes we fail to think about the consequences (Matthew 25:26-28).
B. Miscalculation of time (Matthew 25:10-12)
1. In the parable Jesus tells, 5 have prepared and 5 have not.
2. The 5 who have not prepared run out of time to do the things they need to do.

C. Negligence (James 4:13-16)
1. Often we know things we should be doing but we don’t do them
2. For whatever reason: laziness, wrong priorities, fear, etch

A. It’s time to start (Nehemiah 2:17)
1. Nehemiah was one of those who came back to Judah after the Babylonian captivity.
2. His job was to help the people rebuild the walls around Jerusalem.
3. He urged the people to get busy. There was danger all around them.

B. Have a mind to work (Nehemiah 4:6)
1. Here is an illustration of what can happen when we decided to get busy.
2. The people “had a mind to work” and because of that amazing things happened.

C. Do what we can (Matthew 25:14-19)

1. The parable of the talents teaches us that we are accountable for doing what we can with what we have.

2. A talent was a measure of gold or silver or item of worth.

3. The point of the parable: Each one was given an amount of responsibility according to his ability.

4. Often we don’t do what we CAN do!

D. Do it now (Acts 22:16; 9:18)
1. Saul was a persecutor until Jesus appeared to him.
2. Ananias, asked Paul why he was waiting.
3. He needed his sins washed away and he needed to do it “immediately.”

1. We offer many excuses for our procrastination; don’t know how; don’t want the responsibility, not convenient, etc.
2. But procrastination can be overcome!
3. But the consequences are eternal if we procrastinate in spiritual things. If we put off our relationship with God, the time might come when we run out of time. Are you putting off being the person you ought to be?
4. Won’t you start obeying God today? Song: “Why Do You Wait?”

(Source: Outline by Norman Sewell)