If the phrase “a prophet of God” is spoken, the Bible student would likely think of Elijah. He was a powerful prophet in the Old Testament; when Jesus was transfigured before certain of the apostles (Mt. 17:1-5). He appeared with Elijah to represent the prophets Jesus referred to his acts (Lk. 4:24-26); James mentioned him as evidence of the powerful effect of a righteous man’s prayer (Jas. 5:16-18); Paul pointed to him as one being mistaken about his lonely state because many faithful peoples were serving God (Rom. 11:2-5). Elijah was a great prophet, who achieved much, giving evidence that he was serving God and that God is powerful (1 Kings 18:21-46). He spoke out against evil, opposed the prophets of Baal, as a spokesman for God. Yet, Elijah was a human, with the weaknesses which characterize mankind. He was, like most of us are at some time, tempted to drop out and give up (1 Kings 19:1-21). The character of this man and the occasion in his life (just after achieving a great victory) make us unprepared for what he does in this respect! Yet, I suspect that here is just one case of the many in the word of God which point each of us to self-examination, to discover our humanness, We sometimes miscalculate reality! If Elijah, a prophet of God could and did so misperceive things, then certainly we ought to recognize that we, too, may do the same and be in need of assistance! His Character He manifested his courage and determination in (1) announcing to wicked Ahab that there was going to be neither “dew nor rain” (1 Kings 17: 1) due to the evil behavior of the king, (2) challenging the people to make a choice to decide whether the Jehovah is God or Baal and to follow the real one (1 Kings 18:21ff). He had manifested his kindness and relationship to God in dealing with the widow and her child (1 Kings 17:17-24). Depression After Having Gained A Decisive Victory Elijah called the people together and asked for the prophets of Baal to call on their god to manifest himself to show that he was alive, able, and willing to respond to their needs. this allowed all to witness the complete failure of Baal. After the failure of Baal and his prophets, Elijah called on the Lord God and He responded, burning the sacrifice and drying up the water. This was a powerful demonstration of God’s power and Elijah’s relationship to Him. It would seem reasonable to expect all observers and knowledgeable people to recognize the power manifested and submit to it. One would expect Elijah to be elated, walking on cloud nine! Yet when his work was conveyed to the king’s wicked wife, Jezebel, she promised to continue her opposition and resistence to him (1 Kings 19:2-3). With his experience and recent victory over Baal’s four hundred prophets, we would expect him to face up to the threat, pointing to the fact that God had manifested Himself in such a powerful way that it would be foolish and fatal to oppose Him in the manner she was threatening. However, we are surprised again! He runs for his life! His Action Of Requesting To Die It is hard to understand that this character at this time would run away from such a one as Jezebel and sit down under a tree requesting “for himself that he might die. . . ” (19:4). Even with such behavior, the Lord did not let him have his request. He sent an angel who “touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat.” He was strengthened and traveled for forty days and nights to Horeb, the mount of God (19:8). Yet, Elijah was not ready and prepared to face reality. Rather, he went into a cave. The Lord, as He had done before, challenged him as to what he was doing there. The answer was not really a response: “I have been jealous for the Lord of Host: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and 1, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away” (19:10, 14). Truly, Elijah had been jealous for the Lord and such was both good and correct. It was sad that the people of Israel had forsaken the covenant, thrown down the altars built to God and slain the prophets. However, the question addressed to Elijah was: “What doeth thou here?” Why are you here and what are you doing here? Now, not yesterday or days gone by, is the period of time in question. This is a rather common problem or response, I’m afraid, for any or all of us! We become obsessed with a response that is not really pertinent. When asked a question, we repeat that response! Lessons To Be Learned From Elijah’s Action I believe that we all can learn some valuable lessons from this account of his behavior on this occasion; perhaps that is the reason that it is recorded and preserved for us. 1. Like Elijah, all of usfail at times to live up to what we should do based on our knowledge and experience. Quite often, the unreasoned behavior occurs shortly after a victory! Man is more vulnerable right after a battle, even one which he has won! He is exhausted, with his guard down! Many people have dropped out after great achievements! We expect an inexperienced person to become discouraged and give up and/or in; but the man who has been on the firing line and gained many battles of significance, too, can be overcome! Each of us need to be challenged: “What doeth thou here?” We need to be challenged, repeatedly till we get off that obsession! We need,to have the significance of that challenge to penetrate our conscience! 2. Christians, like Elijah, need to see that there is and will remain temptations, but there is no justification for dropping out, till God calls us home! We need, therefore, to allow the double challenge to sink in: Just what are we doing where we are? It does not matter how much we have done; rather, it’s what are we doing now? There is never a time when we can stop and rely on the past record – till our time alloted here expires, and God is the judge and determiner of that. 3. Like Elijah, we need to climb a mountain, get a different view! And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord, And behold the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountain, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: and after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice …. And the Lord said unto him, Go, return on the way to the wilderness of Damascus: and when thou cometh, anoint Hazael to be king over Syria: and Jehu the son of Nimshi shall thou anoint to be king over Israel: and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel-me-holah shall thou anoint to be prophet in thy room. And it shall come to pass, that him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him (19:11-12, 15-18). It is evidence that Elijah has miscalculated: he was not the only one left faithfully serving God! Seven thousand others were alive and serving. We, too, when we get so discouraged, thinking that we are the only one left, need to look again! Somewhere, out of our sight, there are others! At times we need to climb a mountain and get a view from a different prospective! Hear the Lord say, “Go!” Get back into the stream of activity! Go about doing your job, and see that you can still do something for the Lord’s cause! We can assist others. We can still tell the story of Jesus (Mt. 28:19-20; Mk. 16:15-16). Conclusion Every person who has served God, will at times feel as Elijah, feel like dropping out! I’m no better than the others who have gone before me, they suffered and died, I might as well die now! But the Lord is the, only one who can decide that accurately. So, let us keep on being faithful as long as we are allowed to live and serve. Let us ask ourselves: are we doing what we can now according to His word and directions? Guardian of Truth XXVII: 20, pp. 622-623 October 20, 1983 |
Category: Reprints of Works by William C. Sexton
Man Has the Capacity to Change by William C. Sexton
Van Buren Instructor – April 18, 2004
“Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; keep her, for she is your life.” Prov. 4:13 |
The Van Buren Instructor A Publication of the Van Buren church of Christ Meeting at 711 Access Road in Van Buren, AR. 72956; Service times Sun: 9:30 and 10:20 AM; 6:00 PM; Wed. 7:00 PM Study 471-5801……www.vbchurchofchrist.org Visitors Welcome ….Members Expected! |
Volume 6 April 18, 2004 Number 16
Bitterness: A Bullet of Brutality!
Acts 8:23: “For I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity.”
Ephesians 4:31: “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.
Each of us is likely to be treated in a way that we perceive to be unfair along life’s pilgrimage, perhaps a number of times. How we react to such action determines to a great extent the amount of happiness, pleasure and satisfaction we experience in this journey as well as how we nurture others.
Bitterness can easily “spring up” in the heart of the person who en counters unfair and or harsh treatment. Bitterness will affect us greatly and practically every other person who crosses our path. The Bible points to bitterness as something to be weeded out of our lives at the earliest stages and not allowed to develop, because the consequences are so great. Read carefully the inspired writer’s words:
Hebrews 12:15: “looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled;”
Its development is from the very small “root” to the destructive poisonous plant fully developed ‑‑ causing much trouble and defiling many.
1. In many of our streets today, bullets are piercing the hearts and life support systems of many, much before their time. We read of people having bullets enter houses and even taking their lives while they lie in bed or play in their yards, even while being held in the arms of their grandmother on their steps. A great deal is being said and resources spent on trying to restrict the purchase of guns, which I have no objection to, but feel that it is foolish to think that such restrictions will make a dent in the crime committed by guns. It’s what is being fed into the minds of children and a failure to help them learn how to deal successfully with unpleasant experience, that’s producing the bullets of brutality.
2. Bitterness is not only a critical destructive mind set for the person who has it, but it is a bullet that pierces the lives of all who touch that person. His/her behavior affects many others.
How to avoid bitterness:
1. See the destructive forces and consequences of it. Look first of all in the Bible and read of its danger and consequences of a spiritual nature.
2. Look around you and see others who have developed this in their minds and see how miserable they are and how they affect others.
3. Determine to look at the positive aspects of adversity ‑‑ Job, Peter, Paul and others. Yes, one will suffer some at the hands of the wicked. At times well meaning people will say things and do things that cut us to the heart. But remember that we are not the first to so suffer ‑‑ see Abel, Jeremiah, Christ and His apostles and early disciples. The righteous always wins the battle, however, in the long run. Read 2 Cor. 4:17; Rom.8:16‑18. Ponder their message seriously.
Remember what James says: “But if you have bitter envy and self‑seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above,..” (Jas. 3:14‑15). ‑‑William C. Sexton
Those to Serve Today Announcements: Les Davis
Song Leader: Sean Cavander
Prayer: Don Douglas
Lord’s Supper Talk: Ottie Talkington
Scripture Reading: Keith Hernandez
Lesson: Burl Young
Closing Prayer: Ellis Westbrooks
Lord’s Supper Table
Bread: James Stein Fruit of the Vine: Jeff Bryant
Assisting:Derek Goodin and Ellis Westbrooks
Welcome to all visitors with us today. We are so happy you came to worship the God of heaven. Please fill out a visitor’s card and place it in the collection plate. Please come back any anytime. If we can be of help, in studying the Bible, please let us know. We’ll gladly study any Bible subject with you, and try to do it at your convenience and place of your choosing.
Bible Reading for Today:
Sunday morning: See Burl Young
Those who are sick, Prayer List:
Brother Hugh Jeffery discovered last week he has COPD, and must take daily treatments. Keep him in you prayers, please
Jeff Bryant’s father, is still in Saint Edwards, Room 5414, taking Therapy. I’m told the last two days had shown improvement. Let us keep him and the family in our prayers.
Barry Jones, It was so good to have brother Barry Jones home and able to attend services last Sunday. Let us keep him in our prayers, that the healing will be complete, and his life will be greatly improved.
Geneva Sexton, had to miss her 6th chemo. treatment Friday due to a low blood count. She had been feeling very weak and could hardly stay awake. She said the first part of the week, she slept about 19 hours a day. Therefore, she still needs your prayers. Lois and I greatly appreciate your concern and prayer in her behalf.
VERY GOOD NEWS: we have a new sister in the Lord Jesus Christ. Haley Herandez was baptized last Sunday night. We know that angels in heaven rejoiced (Lk. 15:7, 10). We all rejoice with her, also! We know her mother and father are thrilled by her good action!
Yours truly says THANS for your prayers. The meeting in Saint Joseph MO, April 11-16 went well. Lois and I enjoyed being able to worship with people we had not seen for awhile, as well as meet some new people. We preached the truth, and it seemed to be received well. We had a safe trip home.
Our Meeting with Pat Farish, April 25-30
Next Sunday is the starting date for the spring series of lesson . Let us make this a week of prayerful efforts to contact out neighbors, friends, relatives to attend. The following topics will be explored, examined in light of the Bible.
Sunday morning, The Solution, Psalm 119:11
Sunday evening, “What Doth Hinder?”
Monday, “Words, Whereby Thou Shalt Be
Tuesday, Joseph, In The House Of Potiphar
Wednesday, The Thief On The Cross ‑‑
And You
Thursday, “Then Cometh The Devil”
Friday, Why Do You Wait?
Those out-of-town:
Randy Cavender plans to be preaching in Tahlequah, OK today, both services. Remember him in your prayers, also.
I’ll be preaching at Waveland this morning and at Bethel at 4:30, and try to be here at 6:00 PM. Lois plans to be with me.
Talkingtons, Ottie and Sue, are to be out of town today, I’m told.
Les and Stephanie Davis and the children are to be visiting out of town today I understand.
There was a work day at the building yesterday. I understand that 5 men and two women showed and did some work. I trust that we all are grateful for their efforts.
Wednesday night study: Let us all remember the Wednesday study at 7:”30 PM. Classes for all. __________________________________
The Van Buren Church of Christ
711 Access Road
Van Buren, AR 72956
Violations of God’s Marriage Law (II): Types
In the first article, we sought to establish (1) God does have a marriage law; (2) it can be and often is violated; (3) the consequences of that violation is sin; (4) unless that sin is forgiven one is lost and cannot enter heaven; and (5) to have those sins forgiven, one must comply with God’s terms of forgiveness, if he is a child of God or an alien. Now, we would like to focus our attention on types of violations. You may be surprised to see us point to this aspect of the subject. However, I suggest to you that herein lies the potential for prevention. Knowing is not enough; an essential part of being able to avoid mistakes and wrongs is to know what mistakes and wrongs are.
I. Default (withholding or deprivation, 1 Cor. 7:2-5). Every man is to have his “own wife.” Likewise, every woman is to have her own husband. A husband that does not give himself to his wife is not observing God’s rules! Likewise, a wife that does not give herself to her own husband is violating the law of God. Worse things have occurred in the marriage relationship due to this basic violation. Prostitutes have recognized this (some have said that if wives served their husbands well they would be put out of business). Such is true. I am convinced that if some husbands had endeavored to satisfy their wives as they deserved, then “another man” would not and could not have entered the picture.
Marriage is designed to meet a very basic need of man, the sexual drive, which is a part of every “normal” man and woman. Paul, the inspired apostle of the Lord pointed to that and specifically charged each not to “defraud ye one the other;” he pointed to the danger that one is placed in when he has withheld from him that which is to be supplied in the marriage relationship. “Satan” is well aware of that basic need and will. take advantage of the deprivation to “tempt you . . . for your incontinency” (v. 5). Abstinence in this area is to be done only with the “consent” of both, only for a short duration, and for a higher purpose (“that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; . . .”). I suggest that a violation of this basic need has led to many a broken home and broken lives; it will produce a multitude of souls in hell for an eternity.
“Love” of the wife by the husband is demanded by the Lord (Eph. 5:25). He who withholds this is violating God’s law, depriving his wife, and injuring his potential for happiness here and now and forever. Submission of the wife to her “own” husband is, likewise, demanded by the Lord (Eph. 5:22). She who withholds this is disobeying God, hurting her husband as well as those who view her life as a Christian, and playing in the flames of hell. May we, beloved, see the Lord’s law. Believe it. Be careful that we apply it, speak it, and love it! Be not violaters of God’s law, least ye be broken by it!
II. Triangle (creating a three party system 1 Cor. 6:16-18). By bringing in a third party, one is guilty of turning a two-party-God-approved relationship into a three-party-God-disapproved relationship. At this point, it is necessary that we look at the meaning of two words: adultery and fornication. English generally distinguishes between them on the basis of being married or unmarried; (1) “fornication” being defined as sexual intercourse between unmarried individuals and (2) “adultery” being between a married person and one other than the one to whom he is married. The Greek words from which these words are translated are: (1) Porneia-fornication; it is the general term that is used to describe all kinds of illicit sexual intercourse; (2) Moicheia-adultery is the specific act of illicit, unlawful sexual intercourse between a married person and another. So, in the New Testament, the ford fornication is the broader term and would, at times, embrace the concept of “adultery” too. But, I suggest to you that there are at least three types of “adultery” spoken of in the New Testament (Matt. 5:28 “heart”; Matt. 19:9 “marry another”; Jn. 8:4 the “act”).
Fornication is a unique sin (1 Cor. 6:16-18). Paul mentions that “every sin” that a man commits, other than fornication, is “without the body;” but fornication is sinning “against his own body.” This verse tells us something about the meaning of being “one flesh.” So, the point, if I understand it, is that when people are “joined” together in the sexual union they are the “one flesh.” This is not saying necessarily that fornication is the worst sin that can be committed, or that it is really any worse than another. But it is saying that it is different from all others, or else I am missing the point completely.
He who will serve God cannot tolerate this sin. God did not tolerate it with Israel (Jer. 3:8). A person who commits fornication in weak moments and then asks to be forgiven, should be forgiven (Lk. 17:3-4). However, when one continues to commit this sin and does not repent and turn to God, a person who is dedicated to God must withdraw from that relationship. A person who will continue to allow such sin to be committed without withdrawing and denouncing it will become a party to the sin (1 Cor. 5:6). Evil is to be recognized, denounced, and separated from (2 Cor. 6:15-18). In our land today, the concept that extra-marital sexual relations is being advanced as being “good” and necessary to “save” some marriages. Such is ungodliness at its peak!
III. Divorce (Putting away a person who has not been unfaithful). Jesus said to “put away,” saving for the cause of fornication, is to cause “adultery” to be committed. Thus, that person who puts away for any other reason would be guilty of violating God’s law. He who so acts, places a person in a position that he is deprived of a need and, thus, tempts him to become a part of a relationship that is not approved of God. Marriage is entered so as to fulfill this need, along with other needs that we have already mentioned. So, let every person who is about to take this step think! Look and see where it will lead.
God tells us that He “hateth putting away: . . .” (Mal. 2:16). Paul dealt with the same concept, as we have noticed before (1 Cor. 7:10-11). First, determine to never depart, but if that step is taken, then be sure that you remain unmarried or be reconciled to the one from whom you departed. Not, enough is spoken about this by teachers and thus young people grow up ignorant of the Lord’s teachings. Therefore, they plunge head-long into something that is to be for life, thinking if it does not work we will “try again.” Are Christians guiltless who allow this to happen, without having done all to advocate the truth of God’s word? I think not!
IV. Remarriage (Matt. 19:9). If a man puts away a wife without her having committed fornication and then marries another, the Bible is as clear as can be that he is guilty of “adultery.” If the one that is put away marries another both she and the one she marries is guilty of adultery. In other words, if two people are married, they divorce and remarry without fornication being committed, then there are four people guilty of “adultery.” This principle is disregarded by many and denied and denounced as “untrue” by many others; some of them claim membership in the “Church of Christ.”
Paul deals with this point in Rom. 7:2-3, not using the exception. If while her husband lives, she be married to “another man” then she is an “adulteress.” Question: a woman marries another man while her husband is alive, so the Bible says that she is an adulteress; now ten years passes, is she any less an adulteress than when it first occurred? What about after twenty years? In fact does time have any bearing on the matter? No! It does not matter if it is fifty years later, she is still an “adulteress.”
Some try to say this woman would be guilty of polyandry. However, the Holy Spirit did not cause Paul to call her a polyandrist; rather he called her an “adulteress.” However, the people who charge her with being a polyandrist would admit that she could not remain such and be pleasing to God; the extent of time she remained would have nothing to do with taking the guilt away. She would have to cease being a polyandrist, if she wanted to become a “saint,” one sanctified by God’s grace and cleansed in the blood of Christ.
There are many theories regarding the violations of God’s marriage law, the consequences, and/ or application of the truth. The next two papers shall be an effort to examine those different theories which are presented by brethren on this matter. I hope that your interest will continue, and that you will give a fair hearing to the things that are said. Then after you clearly understand these concepts, you will evaluate them in the light of God’s word. Having done that, you will then decide what is required of you as an individual; also, you will need then to decide what you feel is required of the congregation of which you are a member.
In closing, however, let us ask the question: Have you violated God’s law in regard to this or any other matter? If so, have you met the requirements to have the transgression forgiven? If not, will you not meet those requirements before it is too late, and you have to suffer the consequences? My prayer is that you have complied with God’s requirements.
Truth Magazine XXI: 44, pp. 697-698
November 10, 1977
Violations of God’s Marriage Laws (I)
In our land today there are so many marriage problems; divorce increased 109 percent from 1962 to 1974! In each divorce there is a violation of God’s law involved. That being true, then souls are in danger. In addition to that, hearts are saddened in each and every case of divorce. Therefore, I wish to look at this subject, challenging our minds to consider the matter seriously. I hope that we may be able to better understand the subject, so that we may keep ourselves as God would have us and, then, possibly to assist others to avoid the dangers and heartache. I am well aware of the emotional aspect of this subject and the difficulty of discussing it objectively. However, I challenge each reader to consider the concept and the consequences as objectively as possible. First, try hard to understand the idea-what is involved and the basis for it; secondly, evaluate it which can be done only after one really and accurately understands it; thirdly, think in terms of individual and congregational response to the teachings. It is not an easy subject to deal with, regardless of the position that you hold or the approach you choose. The hardness is due to these facts: (1) so many people are involved; (2) it deals with one of the most important relationships of mankind Yet these factors make it even more reasonable that we try hard to understand and act rightly. 1. God does have a law, regarding marriage. Some deny that we are under “any law” today. They proclaim loudly that we are under “grace.” They can and do point to the scriptures, which on the surface seem to support their view: “. . . for ye are not under the law, but under grace” (Rom. 6:14). Other passages Gal. 2:16; Rom. 5:20-21; seem to support that idea. However, before one accepts that proposition, I would refer him to some other passages which show that this view is not correct: “. . . (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without the law” (1 Cor. 9:21). “Bear ye one another’s burden, and fulfil the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2). “But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed (Jas. 1:25). God’s grace is extended through teachings (Tit. 2:11-12; Acts 20:32). That grace that brings salvation has appeared and it teaches us to deny some things and to do others. The word of His grace is a source of strength by which we as Christians are to build. That book, which is a part of His grace, will be the standard by which we are judged (Jn. 12:48; Jas. 2:12). So, it is a “perfect” law and it gives freedom; thus it is a book or law of “liberty.” He who will reject that and continue to proclaim that we are not under law but under grace is not going to be helped by God’s grace, until and unless he has a change of heart. God’s law on marriage consists of all He has said on the subject that is applicable today! Therefore, we need, I suggest, to gather all that He has said on the subject and then separate that which is not applicable today. For example, we see from Matt. 19:8 that some things were given because of hard hearts; likewise, in 1 Cor. 7:26 we are told that some things were for the “present distress;” thus they would not be applicable today. Passages that are to be considered as being in this law are: Gen. 2:24-25; Matt. 19:4-9; Mk. 10:2-12; Lk. 16:18; Rom. 7:2-3; 1 Cor. 7:1-6. Other passages may be relevant too. But, surely these passages are adequate to convince the unprejudiced mind that we are under a “law” today. It is the law of Christ. Some of the main points of that law then are: (1) One male and one female being joined together with God having a part in making and establishing that relationship (Matt. 19:6; Mk. 10:9). They are to leave father and mother and cleave unto one another and this is to be for life; (2) There is a three-fold purpose in marriage. Companionship is the first mentioned (Gen. 2:18). Procreation-bearing children-is a second purpose to be achieved in marriage (1 Tim. 2:15; 5:14). To prevent immorality is a third reason for marriage (1 Cor. 7:2-5). (3) Not to put away one the other in the marriage relationship is an important part of the Lord’s Law for man today (1 Cor. 7:10). From the above we conclude that God does have a law for people today to govern and regulate men and women in this primary relationship. This relationship is the most important of all relationships which every person is a part of in our society. This relationship functions to mold and shape the character of each individual; as the family goes, so goes the society. God, being concerned about the people, their state here and now, and their eternal destiny, has given rules, laws, or regulations to assist man in his’ character-building and earthly behavior which affects his whole being both temporarily and eternally. Scriptures are violated both positively and negatively when a divorce occurs! Jesus says if a man puts away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, he causes her to commit “adultery” (Mt. 5:32). He also says that if a man puts away his wife, except it be for fornication and marries another, he commits adultery and he who marries the one put away commits adultery (Matt. 19:9). In Matt. 5:32 when Jesus said that when a man puts away his wife without fornication he causes her to commit adultery, He evidently was saying that she is placed in a condition that is very likely to cause her to remarry and thus “commit” adultery. Some have tried to make the Lord say the moment that a woman is put away for no cause of her own she is guilty of adultery. That is neither reasonable nor scriptural. Paul, expanding somewhat upon what Jesus had said, in I Cor. 7 said that neither the husband nor the wife is to “depart” (v. 10). “But,” he continued, if a departure does take platc, then “let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband; . . .” (v. 11). The same principles apply to the husband, as is stated in the last clause of the verse. He, also, deals with the believer and the unbeliever’s relationship and obligations and privileges (vs. 12-16). The believer is obligated to remain in the relationship with the unbeliever if the unbeliever wishes to retain this relationship. However, each individual is to place the Lord first (Matt. 10:37-39; Lk. 14:25-33); if one cannot maintain this relationship and serve the Lord too, then he is to choose to serve the Lord. The believer is not to “depart” from his unbelieving spouse, but if the unbelieving spouse depart for this reason, then the believer is to remain faithful to God and allow the unbeliever to “depart.” If a spouse dies, the living can remarry “only in the Lord” (1 Cor. 7:39; Rom. 7:2-3). With this information before us, I suggest that the following are violations of God’s law on marriage. (1) Pre-marital sex, which is called “fornication” in the scriptures, is a violation because marriage is the only acceptable place for sexual activity. (2) Extra-martial sex is a violation because it brings in a person other than the two that have the rightful duty and privilege to each other. (3) Post-maritial sex is condemned for the same reason stated above: God allows sexual activity only between a man and woman who are married to each other. (4) Homosexual activities are condemned; they are violations of God’s law on marriage which approves of a male and female being joined together so as to have sexual activity. All of these acts are engaged in by many in our land today, and some “religious teachers” have spoken out in favor of accepting people into the fellowship of the saints who so act. III. Consequences of the violations: To violate these rules, any one or all of them, is to be guilty of sin which causes a soul to be lost (1 Cor. 6:9-11; Eph. 5:3-5; Heb. 13:4; Gal. 5:19-21). These passages clearly state that any of these violations is a transgression and will keep one from heaven, unless they are forgiven! To have the forgiveness of sins, one must meet God’s requirements; His terms of salvation. If one is a child of God and violates any of these laws, he must: (1) repent of his sin; (2) he must confess that sin; (3) he must ask God .to forgive him (Acts 8:17-24; 1 Jn. 1:5-10). If one is not a child of God, to be forgiven of his sin, he must: (1) believe in Jesus Christ (Jn. 8:24); (2) repent of his sins (Acts 17:30-31); (3) confess his faith in Jesus Christ (Rom. 10:9-10; Acts 8:36-39); (4) be baptized in water for the remission of sins, to have them washed away by the blood of Christ, to become a member of the body of Christ (Acts 2:37-41; 22:16; 1 Cor. 12:13). Unless God’s terms of salvation are complied with, a man’s sins will remain with him till the judgment. And if they are not forgiven prior to that time, they’ll cause us misery for an eternity (Rev. 22:11; 20:12-15). Beloved, it is clear that this subject is one of eternal importance. I pray that you and I will search the scriptures and our lives to see if we are clean in the eyes of God because we have met His terms of pardon. If we have not, then we need to be persuaded to commit ourselves to His will. Having done that, then we need to go to work helping others to gain the knowledge and then the faith necessary to comply with His will. Remember that His grace has brought us the revelation of His word and His power and goodness has preserved it for us. However, we must read, understand, and apply it in our lives if we are to profit from it. |
Reprint of The Vanburen Instructor, April 18, 2004
The Van Buren Instructor
Bitterness: A Bullet of Brutality!
Acts 8:23: "For I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity."
Ephesians 4:31: "Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.
Each of us is likely to be treated in a way that we perceive to be unfair along life's pilgrimage, perhaps a number of times. How we react to such action determines to a great extent the amount of happiness, pleasure and satisfaction we experience in this journey as well as how we nurture others.
Bitterness can easily "spring up" in the heart of the person who en counters unfair and or harsh treatment. Bitterness will affect us greatly and practically every other person who crosses our path. The Bible points to bitterness as something to be weeded out of our lives at the earliest stages and not allowed to develop, because the consequences are so great. Read carefully the inspired writer's words:
Hebrews 12:15: "looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled;"
Its development is from the very small "root" to the destructive poisonous plant fully developed ‑‑ causing much trouble and defiling many.
1. In many of our streets today, bullets are piercing the hearts and life support systems of many, much before their time. We read of people having bullets enter houses and even taking their lives while they lie in bed or play in their yards, even while being held in the arms of their grandmother on their steps. A great deal is being said and resources spent on trying to restrict the purchase of guns, which I have no objection to, but feel that it is foolish to think that such restrictions will make a dent in the crime committed by guns. It's what is being fed into the minds of children and a failure to help them learn how to deal successfully with unpleasant experience, that's producing the bullets of brutality.
2. Bitterness is not only a critical destructive mind set for the person who has it, but it is a bullet that pierces the lives of all who touch that person. His/her behavior affects many others.
How to avoid bitterness:
1. See the destructive forces and consequences of it. Look first of all in the Bible and read of its danger and consequences of a spiritual nature.
2. Look around you and see others who have developed this in their minds and see how miserable they are and how they affect others.
3. Determine to look at the positive aspects of adversity ‑‑ Job, Peter, Paul and others. Yes, one will suffer some at the hands of the wicked. At times well meaning people will say things and do things that cut us to the heart. But remember that we are not the first to so suffer ‑‑ see Abel, Jeremiah, Christ and His apostles and early disciples. The righteous always wins the battle, however, in the long run. Read 2 Cor. 4:17; Rom.8:16‑18.
Ponder their message seriously.
Remember what James says: "But if you have bitter envy and self‑seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above,.." (Jas. 3:14‑15). ‑‑William C. Sexton
Those to Serve Today
Announcements: Les Davis
Song Leader: Sean Cavander
Prayer: Don Douglas
Lord’s Supper Talk: Ottie Talkington
Scripture Reading: Keith Hernandez
Lesson: Burl Young
Closing Prayer: Ellis Westbrooks
Lord’s Supper Table
Bread: James Stein Fruit of the Vine: Jeff Bryant
Assisting:Derek Goodin and Ellis Westbrooks
Welcome to all visitors with us today. We are so happy you came to worship the God of heaven. Please fill out a visitor’s card and place it in the collection plate. Please come back any anytime. If we can be of help, in studying the Bible, please let us know. We’ll gladly study any Bible subject with you, and try to do it at your convenience and place of your choosing.
Bible Reading for Today:
Sunday morning: See Burl Young
Those who are sick, Prayer List:
Brother Hugh Jeffery discovered last week he has COPD, and must take daily treatments. Keep him in you prayers, please
Jeff Bryant’s father, is still in Saint Edwards, Room 5414, taking Therapy. I’m told the last two days had shown improvement. Let us keep him and the family in our prayers.
Barry Jones, It was so good to have brother Barry Jones home and able to attend services last Sunday. Let us keep him in our prayers, that the healing will be complete, and his life will be greatly improved.
Geneva Sexton, had to miss her 6th chemo. treatment Friday due to a low blood count. She had been feeling very weak and could hardly stay awake. She said the first part of the week, she slept about 19 hours a day. Therefore, she still needs your prayers. Lois and I greatly appreciate your concern and prayer in her behalf.
VERY GOOD NEWS: we have a new sister in the Lord Jesus Christ. Haley Herandez was baptized last Sunday night. We know that angels in heaven rejoiced (Lk. 15:7, 10). We all rejoice with her, also! We know her mother and father are thrilled by her good action!
Yours truly says THANS for your prayers. The meeting in Saint Joseph MO, April 11-16 went well. Lois and I enjoyed being able to worship with people we had not seen for awhile, as well as meet some new people. We preached the truth, and it seemed to be received well. We had a safe trip home.
Our Meeting with Pat Farish, April 25-30
Next Sunday is the starting date for the spring series of lesson . Let us make this a week of prayerful efforts to contact out neighbors, friends, relatives to attend. The following topics will be explored, examined in light of the Bible.
Sunday morning, The Solution, Psalm 119:11
Sunday evening, "What Doth Hinder?"
Monday, "Words, Whereby Thou Shalt Be Saved"
Tuesday, Joseph, In The House Of Potiphar
Wednesday, The Thief On The Cross ‑‑ And You
Thursday, "Then Cometh The Devil"
Friday, Why Do You Wait?
Those out-of-town:
Randy Cavender plans to be preaching in Tahlequah, OK today, both services. Remember him in your prayers, also.
I’ll be preaching at Waveland this morning and at Bethel at 4:30, and try to be here at 6:00 PM. Lois plans to be with me.
Talkingtons, Ottie and Sue, are to be out of town today, I’m told.
Les and Stephanie Davis and the children are to be visiting out of town today I understand.
There was a work day at the building yesterday. I understand that 5 men and two women showed and did some work. I trust that we all are grateful for their efforts.
Wednesday night study: Let us all remember the Wednesday study at 7:”30 PM. Classes for all. __________________________________
The Van Buren Church of Christ
711 Access Road
Van Buren, AR 72956
Man has the capacity to Change…But he needs guidance and motivation!
As I read, observe, reflect and react‑‑to the stimuli I am faced with, I am more and more convinced that each “average” person has such capacity to improve his/her potential of achievements, only if they had the information and were motivated!
Last night as I was in the home of a couple, studying the Bible with them and one of their friends whom they had invited, I was given the following short piece. I thanked the person, telling him that I would read it when I got home. When I read it, I felt a deep sense of satisfaction. It may help others, which was the evident aim of the writer, he had helped who was in his position. Yet, it may and should motivate others of us who have not experienced his pain, yet may have the opportunity to work with others, and possibly have a small but significant part in their life‑changing‑ experiences.
Hi. My name is Dave, and I am an Alcoholic. I don’t know if this will help anyone with some problem that I have, but it can’t hurt. The first thing, and probably the hardest was to admit I did have a problem. I was a typical drunk, it was always someone else’s fault that I drank and never my own. I was always looking for an excuse to drink. Either for relaxing or tension. It didn’t matter as long as I could drink. I would use up food and bill money to drink on and the sad part was, I knew I was taking away the things that my family needed and wanted. I was HOOKED. I guess when it hit me that there was something extremely wrong was when I wrecked my car. I always thought that no matter how much I drank, I could always handle a car because cars are my life.
I’m a Mechanic. When it hit me, I thought, “If this truck hadn’t been here to stop me from driving this car, I may have ran over a kid on the street and not even know it.” I couldn’t handle that. There’s no way. I put my own wife and kinds thru HELL. I sure wouldn’t want to do that to someone I don’t know. My life is totally different. I don’t drink and I don’t miss it. I go to church, and I became a member. I have Bible study every Tuesday night with my preacher, Bill Sexton, which is a really good man and helps me a lot. I guess the reason for this letter is to say one thing, and that is this, If you drink, STOP. It gets worse before it gets better. Don’t learn the hard way like I did. I learned almost to late.
Please STOP now.
Perhaps I’d be wise and perceived to be more modest to leave my name out as the preacher, and I thought about doing that. Then, I wandered if that wouldn’t be a false sense of modesty, rather than being totally honest. Therefore, I have left it as he gave it to me.
I wish to make a point or two, however:
1. Let us recognize and appreciate the fact that men and women have the capacity to change their lifes, if they have the right guidance and are properly motivated. Many have sank low, experienced great pain, but they may very well be in a position to appreciate truth and be willing to try it to see if it works.
2. Therefore, we may be in a position to help‑‑by showing concern, love, and being willing to spend some time to listen and offer our assistance, when they show willingness to respond.
3. We may be tempted to evaluate one past change, and thus pass “by on the other side” ( Lk. 10:31‑32 ). We need to remember that God sent His Son for us who were all sinners, having been buried deep in some type sin and hurtful behavior. He stands at the door knocking ( Rev. 3:20 ) imploring us to allow Him entrance to our lives. That is true of every individual, regardless of the dept of degradation into which he/she has sank.
Beloved, let us be “salt of the earth” possessing and
dispensing the preserving quality‑‑as saints of God. Let us be lights that we shine unto men and women, boys and girls who have walked the dark paths of sin and pain‑‑which leads to eternal destruction. Let us see that they have the potential to be creatures with their hearts filled with gladness and going about contributing to the good things in this world, preparing for the next!
—-William C. Sexton
. PS This was written a number of years ago, while I lived in Kansas City. It makes a point I still believe, however. So I reprint it here for consideration. Please ponder the point!
A Christian’s Voice From Van Buren: Volume 7, September 4, 2005 Number 42
Editors Note: With the Labor Day Weekend upon us, I thought it appropriate to reprint the last Labor Day edition of A Christian’s Voice From Van Buren that my father ever wrote. He published this bulletin on Labor Day 2005 and passed from this life the following May. In it you will find, among other things, a short piece he wrote reflecting upon the tendency to travel far and wide on this holiday, but he asks us to reflect upon how much thought we give to ensuring that our surroundings are spiritually uplifting. How much planning do we put into ensuring that we will be with God’s people on the First Day of the week? Also in this issue is a poem that he wrote, Labor Day – a Christian’s View of labor. I commend it to your reading.
A Christian’s Voice From Van Buren: Man uses his voice and pen to convey thoughts. Paul mentions using words that by his voice he might “teach others” (1 Cor. 14:19). John says, “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” (Rev. 22:17). My aim is to challenge, inform, and invite – us all to Listen to the VOICE of God. Editor Bill Sexton. 802 Adeline Lane, Van Buren, AR 72956-3530. Phone 479-474-2617. Car phone: 479-650-8399>>> I Have Voice Mail, call me and I can pick it up
Volume 7, September 4, 2005 Number 42
This Week’s Challenges
We are practicing: Memory, Meditation, and Application
- Memorize (Isa 28:16)
- Meditation: Who is that foundation, searching the New Testament one will se that it is Christ
- Application: How wonderful to see that the foundation stone is secure, and we can and should build on it (1 Cor. 3:11; Eph. 2:19020)
Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody
This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done, and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody even got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
~Author Unknown~
Labor Day weekend, how many people will be traveling, even with the HIGH gas prices, Etc.!?
This is another holiday and we Americans have the habit of traveling far and near, changing places to spend our time. How many will plan ahead about their worship of God, meeting with the saints (Heb. 10:24), studying the message from heaven to be lifted up spiritually?
It is wonderful to have the opportunity, means and freedom that we do have in our land to travel, go places and see things, and visit with relatives, etc. Yet, do we THINK as much about the type of environment we are in? THINK about the benefit of meeting our brothers and sister in the Lord, and how we SHOULD enjoy their company, and how beneficial it is to us to get to know more of our brother and sisters.
Beloved, let us see the NEED to place God first in our lives, and see the benefit of doing so (Matt. 6:33). However, in this busy work, with all the opportunities to travel, communicate, and be entertained, we are likely to spend the greater portion of our resources on the WRONG thing, in the place that is not appropriate to our spiritual growth, safety, and spiritual health. Let us be wise, loyal to the Lord and demonstrate to those observing our behavior that we are TRULY Christians, belonging to Christ. He is our Lord!
Labor Day – a Christian’s View of labor
Work is a four letter word many dislike
Yet, we all know that it is necessary and good
If we are active in the right things
Then to the work, to the work, we can/do sing!
So let us THINK on the right tract,
See God’s word on this and other matters of fact
If we are doing the Lord’s work all will be fine
There’s plenty to do, looking in His word we find
Labor is wonderful to be able to do
This day we may honor by looking at it truly
God has ordained that man be busy as he could
In his daily activity, for his own good
Jn. 9:4; 1 Cor. 15:58
Bill Sexton, 8-31-2005
Today’s Schedule for Yours Truly: !0:20A.M. Preaching at Van Buren, Sermons: The Storms Of Life Sermon –Lk. 8:22-25; Matt. 8:24-27). Tonight at 6:00 PM Singing at Van Buren
Excuses for departing from God’s graceful Path
In most any city one can find a number of people who began to serve the Lord some time ago, but now are out of service. Why? The reasons given may be many. In truth, however, all of them are excuses, only! There is no real reason for one to fall away (Lk. 14:15-24). Satan has a hand in each, but none can rightful blame him; each must accept personal responsibility for one’s action. Warning after warning is given (Cf.1 Cor. 10:12-13; Heb. 3:12).
Each of us needs to recognize that we may contribute to discouragement, etc., and be careful that we do not lend a hand to Satan to distract and destroy, because he has and will use every device (2 Cor. 2:11).
Each of us may be tempted to turn aside in some fashion, being influenced in one way or another, but let us be honest enough with ourselves to admit we are responsible! We’ll have to pay! There are all types of rationalizations one can make in trying to get around our personal responsibility. Yet, let us all remember that if we really want to be saved eternally, we’d better meet the standard ( Jn. 12:28; Rom. 2:16), to be recipients of God’s grace.
Perhaps there is not enough time spent on considering various factors that may influence us to turn aside, back, or around. Prayerful consideration should be given to the matter.
Likewise, there is likely not enough effort made to see that we do not discourage one another, so that Satan may deceive us into giving in to something (2 Cor. 11:1-3) that will destroy us.
Yet, we need to have indelible stamped on our brain — we DO NOT HAVE TO YIELD to any of these influences (Jas. 4:7).
Let us look at a few people who may be -instrumental in causing others to turn aside.
1. Preachers are to be examples ( 1 Tim. 4:12), but they can lead others astray –or give them cause to distrust and play into the hand of the evil one. How many people are out of service, partly, because they trusted a preacher and then had him betray their trust? Peter was instrumental in influencing Barnabas to “be carried away” with dissimulation, participate in something that deserved rebuking (Gal. 2:11-13).
2. Elders and deacons can fail to lead and serve to the extent that some members become discouraged, and think “what’s the use,” and yield to weaknesses.
3. Being overly concern with and involvement in everyday activities of “making a living,” paying the bills, educating and entertaining our children, can take us away from our duty of attending all the services, participating in Bible classes, spending time to invite others into our homes, spend valuable time with others to influence for good!
4. Family demands are many, to be sure and they are very important, yet they must not be allowed to derail our train of service to God (Matt 10:37-39; Lk. 14:25-33).
Yes, beloved, there are many avenues of influence that are away from God and His Son Jesus Christ. Let us first be convinced that we, individually are responsible because we are able capable of resisting the temptations — with God’s help and grace and mercy! (Phil. 1:12-13).
Let us look at a few things that may turn us/others aside. 1. Immorality –we may come to think that life is too dull serving the Lord, and determine to “enjoy life,” as seen through the blinders Satan provides.
2. Wealth may come to attract our attention and cause us to give too much of our time in obtaining it.
3. Laziness –we may decide we want to REST when we should be practicing our religion — attending services, helping others, taking time to teach others the gospel of Christ! –William C. “Bill” Sexton
There are many words which are miss-used In today’s religious world. When teaching the truth, I am accused-And hateful, angry words are hurled.
One word, of which I speak, is “Pastor”, Used by ‘most every denomination. The way it is used is truly a disaster and causes God much consternation.
Pastor simply means “to feed”, Acts 14:23 Acts 20:17, 28 and referred to a plural group of men. I Pt. 5:1-4 The “Elders” were responsible for the “seed”, which would guard their flock from sin.(Singular)
“Reverend” is another miss-used word—It was never applied to any man. To make that application is absurd—It was never a part of God’s holy plan. Holy and “Reverend” is HIS name, And that applies only to almighty GOD. Ps. 111:9. Man’s using it for himself is a shame, For, before the almighty, man is only a clod.
When Christ said, “I will build my ‘church’ “— To a physical structure He didn’t make mention. If, the scriptures, you will thoroughly search, You will find, that was not His intention.
“Church” simple means ‘those who are called out’ I Thes. 2:12; II Thes. 2:14; Rm 8:30 .Coming from darkness, into the kingdom of light.. A “spiritual house” are all the devout, I Pt. 2:5, 9 Who have left the darkness and sinful blight.
And, what a miss-use of the word “priest”, This, too, is such a sinful shame. With Christ the old system of priesthood ceased; Heb. 11:7-8; Rev.1:6Now, every Christian is called by that name. I Pt. 2:5, 9; Rm.12:1
The next I would mention is the word “baptize”. It is a word which means to “immerse”. And most do not seem to realize. Without immersion, they are under God’s curse. But it must be for the remission of sins, Acts 2:38. That, as for Paul, they would be washed away. Acts 22:16. That is the ONLY way that Christ will cleanse Rm.6:3-5 And lead you into the light of day. There are many such words in the bible which man, in his foolishness, miss-uses. When, in truth, he is committing libel. When, the gospel of Christ he, thus, abuses.
Oh, well meaning but foolish, religious man, Mt. 7:21-23. Please consider the use in the gospel of Christ. Don’t try to change it, but yield to His plan. For nothing else has ever sufficed –By L. B. Strawn May 11 & 12, 1998 *****
Editor’s Note: There are so many Bible words that are misused, perhaps the above will assist in keeping some of them before our mind! Let each of us labor to call Bible things by Bible names, as well as do Bible things in Bible ways! For, you see, some day we’ll stand before the Lord (Matt 7:21-23). How terrible if we have spent so much time, effort and resources misusing what the Lord provided us with and then hear: “ I never knew you: Depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
I know that to some people this is “Legalism,” but I had rather be accepted by the Lord, even though I’m classified by man in various uncomplimentary fashions (Matt. 5:11-12), than to avoid their criticism and be rejected by the Lord.
I remember that the people Paul spoke of in (Romans 1:18-32,) professed themselves to be “wise,” when in fact they were very foolish. Shall we be as they were? Or, shall we be seen as “foolish” by man while we embrace the “wisdom of God” (Cf. 1 Cor. 1:23-25)? Beloved, I prefer to be seen as foolish by my fellow man, wordily creatures than to be thus seen and classified by my Lord and Maker. I challenge each of us to look carefully at the words used in the New Testament and let the Lord’s meaning be established in our mind. William C. “Bill” Sexton
Reprinted from Van BurenVanGuardin 1998
BOOK OF 1 TIMOTHY – Chapter 2.
Introduction: In the second chapter of this book, Paul begins by expressing his desire that prayer be made for various people. Also, there are various types of prayer. God’s desire relative to all men is expressed. He points to the proper position of women, looking back to the deception of Eve.
His exhortation is that as a “first” order of priority supplication, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men. Thus we see that it is proper to pray for all persons, but each category will have different needs, and we should recognize and comply with that fact. Then he identifies one category of men: kings, and all that are in authority. We should recognize that these people affect our lives, and we should see the need to pray that they would perform so that we can receive benefit from their rule. The benefit we should desire and pray for is: “we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty.” (1 Tim. 2:1-2).
The inspired apostle shows why the prayer and benefit we may receive is: “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.” For he shows that God would have all to be saved, by coming to the knowledge of truth. That involved some fundamental facts: That is only ONE God and One MEDIATOR who can legitimately and effectively come “between” God and man –Jesus Christ, who was deity and man! He gave himself a ransom for all men everywhere, to “be testified in due time.” (1 Tim. 2:3-6)
In face of the facts just stated, Paul claims that he was “ordained a preacher, and an apostle,” also a “teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.” As he preaches the truth in Christ, he speaks of the need for men to pray, with “holy hands, without wrath and doubting.” In similar fashion, he wants women to “adorn themselves properly in “modest apparel,” and that is with shamefacedness and sobriety. The attention is not to be given by the hair, jewelry of gold, pearls and expensive clothing. Their conduct is to manifest itself in professed godliness accompanied with good works (1 Tim. 2:7-10).
He points to the subjection of women –they should learn in respectable submission. Women are limited in their realm of teaching. She is NOT to “usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” The basis for this goes back to the early behavior of the woman, Eve. She was deceived by the serpent and persuaded her husband to be involved in “transgression,”: although he was not deceived. Yet we need to understand, woman can still be saved. One of her functions is “childbearing.” She needs to “continue in faith,” as well as in charity/love, holiness/being set aside for God’s service, and doing this with “sobriety.” (1 Tim. 2:11-15).
- In light of what does he “therefore,” exhort be done “first” (1 Tim. 2:1)?
- Name differ kinds of speaking to God are called for and for whom (1 Tim. 2:1-2)?
- What is the aim of prayers in man’s benefit (1 Tim. 2:2)
- What is “good and acceptable” to God and His desire concerning “all men” (1 Tim. 2:3-4)?
- What is the function of a “mediator” and who meets that requirement (1 Tim. 2:5-6)?
- What is Paul “ordained’ to and his “will” for men (1 Tim. 2:7-8)?
- “In like manner” what is his will that women will “adorn” themselves (1 Tim. 2:9-10)?
- How are women to be in and manifest their “subjection” (1 Tim. 2:11-12)?
10.What basis is given for this subjective position and how is she to “continue” (1 Tim. 2:13-15)
A Christians’ Voice
802 Adeline Lane
Van Buren, AR 72956-3530
The Old Man in The Mirror
Editors Note: I just found this poem among the files on a flash drive that belonged to my father. The occasion was his 75th birthday in 2003. Looking back with much fondness now, and knowing that he would pass from this life on May 8, 2006, I am filled with great joy. For this poem embodies so much of the spirit of the man that I knew as Dad, and that others knew as “Bill” Sexton.
The Old Man in The Mirror
Seventy Five years old, surely that’s NOT me
A Short time ago, I was a boy plowing the field, it seems.
Wanting to hurry up and be a big man so others could see
As an adult I could explore the world, perhaps even sail the sea
Yes, when I look in the mirror, sometime I see
An old man looking back at me
I wonder how that old frame in my mirror me could be
For In my mind a younger man should be smiling at me
Surely seventy Five years could not have passed so fast
Leaving the old figure in the mirror I observe when I pass
For I’m still young at heart,
From that young age I’m not ready to depart
How old is seventy five years anyway
When one is young that age seems so far away
Someone once said he/she is just as old as they feel
So, beloved, In my heart I’m still YOUNG enough to climb a hill
Please don’t write me off as being old just yet
The Lord surely knows how much time I have left
But while He allows me to live, love and laugh
I’m young in mind, enjoying youth while He allows it to last
O, yes another year is just about to end
Seems just the other day it only began
Which indicates we need to be busy all the time
Doing things, by looking back, will bring joy to our mind
Bill Sexton, December 23, 2003
December 25, 1928 —-2003
Reprints of Works by William C. Sexton
Posts in this category will be articles, sermon outlines, and various other works of William C. Sexton. Brother sexton was born in Cameron, Oklahoma on December 25, 1928 and died in Fort Smith, Arkansas on May 8, 2006.
He was a minister for churches of Christ for 49 years, serving churches in Kearney, MO; Lowell, IN; St. Joseph, MO.; Wichita, KS; Manhattan, KS; Kansas City, MO; Van Buren, AR; as well as many other communities. He was also a prolific writer, being published in brotherhood papers, Guardian of Truth, The Preceptor, Searching the Scriptures and many others. He also edited and published church bulletins for local churches with which he worked. During the latter years of his life he published an electronic bulletin that he called A Christians Voice. He emailed ACV to individual Christians and small congregations with whom he was working at the time of his death.