Today’s Scripture: Luke 3-4
Things to remember in today’s reading:
- John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus.
- Jesus’ baptism, genealogy and temptation
- Jesus is rejected in Nazareth.
- Jesus begins His healing ministry.
- Jesus preaches in the synagogues of the Judea.
Things God is teaching me in today’s reading:
- It is necessary for people today, as it was in the days of John, to remove the obstacles from their lives that hinder their reception of Jesus and His kingdom. The baptism of repentance, preached by John, had this as a key ingredient.
- Specific, personal application, when we hear the truth preached, will cause us to ask, “What shall I do?” (3:10, 122, 14)
- Be prepared, when Satan attacks, to fight him off with the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God!
- Rejection of the gospel message should not stop the messenger from planting the seed!
Things to act on in today’s reading:
- I will do my best to remove obstacles that hinder me in living for Jesus!
- I will focus a part of today (and every day) on reading and reflecting upon God’s Word!
- I will plant the see, as I have opportunity!
Things to pray about in today’s reading:
- Lord, give me a servant’s heart that is open to the needs of others!
- “Open my eyes, Lord, I want to see Jesus, to reach out and touch Him …”
- Be with your servant Jesse; comfort and strengthen him!
Thanks for reading with me dear friend. Have a blessed day!!
— Randy Sexton