Today’s Scripture: Galatians 1-3
Things to remember in today’s reading:
- Paul offers a greeting that is more reserved than normal, to the churches of Galatia and expresses disappointment and amazement that they are “so quickly deserting” and turning away from the truth of the pure gospel of Christ. He rebukes them sternly for this (1:1-9).
- Paul defends the gospel and declares mightily that its source is Jesus Christ by means of revelation. He recounts the events of his conversion and the early days of his preaching as evidence of his authority (1:10-2:21).
- Paul appeals to their experience of how they first came to know Christ and the OT example of Abraham (3:1-9).
- Paul argues that those who rely on the works of the law for salvation are cursed and do not belong to Christ. He asserts that it is not necessary for them to become Jews in order to be Christians (3:10-29).
Things God is teaching me in today’s reading:
- It is possible for any of us to come under the spell of false teachers. The way to guard against that happening is to continually “take head” and “examine” to see whether we are “in the faith” (1st Corinthians 10:12; 2nd Corinthians 13:5).
- We must be passionate about truth, grace and faith and fight to preserve the gospel against those who seek to pervert it!
Things to act on in today’s reading:
- Perform self-examination of the passion with which I serve the Lord!
- Read these chapters aloud with the emotion and passion that Paul had as he wrote them!
Things to pray about in today’s reading:
- Lord, please be with your servant Jesse and his faithful wife Lura; comfort them, give them peace and strengthen them!
- Lord, please help me to stand fast in the faith all the days of my life!
- : Lord, “My spirit is willing, but my flesh is so weak. Light the fire in my weary soul, Fan the flame, Make me whole again. Lord you know where I’ve been so light the fire in my heart again.” (Lyrics from song, “Light the Fire” by Bill Maxwell)
Thanks for reading with me dear friend. Have a blessed day!!
— Randy Sexton