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Book of Hebrews – Chapter Thirteen

Introduction: This last chapter of the book to the Hebrews begin with the directions to let brotherly love continue, looking back and remembering, not forgetting some who entertained strangers.

Remembering faithful Christians in “bonds,” is a commendable thing to do. Marriage is described as be “honorable in all,” while the violators of God’s rules in this matter shall be “judged.”(Heb. 13:1-4)

Covetousness is to be avoided, as we are to be “content” with such things as we have. This can be done, if we remember that God has promised that He’ll not leave nor forsake us. Whit that promise, we can know by faith the Lord is our helper, so we’ll not fear what men can do to us (Heb. 13:5-6).

Remember, in sense that we respect them who have the rule over us. Each of us ought to appreciate the people God has set forth in His church to rule in the sence they are concerned for our souls and are willing to guide us in that which has been revealed, knowing that God knows best and is interested in our well being! These people have spoken the message from heaven and provide example worthy of imitating, following. We need to look at the results of such living (Heb. 13:7)

We need to recognize the unchangeableness of Jesus, and thus be not carried away with doctrine that are not what God has revealed. The heart needs to be established on the grace of God, rather than being obsessed with carnal matters. In contrast with those who are trying to hold on to the Old Covenant, we have an alter on which they have no right to partake. Those animal sacrifices are no longer doing what they once signified, for Jesus has come and fulfilled His mission. He has accomplished that those offering of Old could one point to. The appeal is made then for us to go forth committed to Jesus, and humbly carrying any and all reproaches that result from our behavior and commitment to Christ. (Heb. 13:8-13).

Christians here are not looking for an earthly city; rather, we are looking for that heavenly place. The “sacrifice” we offer is “Praise to God,” the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. Doing good is to ever be before us. That included understanding what respect we need to give to the elders who watch for our souls. We need to pray for all the servants of God. (Heb. 13:14-19).

Now the God of peace who brought Jesus forth from the dead can make us “perfect in every good work,” as we do His will. The writer appeals to them to accept the word of exhortation, and to “know” brethren who have been “set at liberty.” Salute all them who rule. Grace be with us all. (Heb. 13:20-25)



1. What are we told to continue and remember (Heb. 13:1-2)?

2 How is marriage described, contrasted with violations of the marriage vowel (Heb. 13:4)?

3. What is said about covetousness and contentment and why (Heb. 13:5-6)?

4. What is said relative to them who have the rule over us (Heb. 13:7, 17)?

5. What is said about Jesus and being carried away with strange doctrine (Heb. 13:8-9))?

6. What is said about the “altar” we have contrasted with the Old one (Heb. 13:10-13))?

7. What is said about a city, as distinct to what we are looking for and doing (Heb. 13:14-16)?

8. What is said about prayer, conscience, and honestly (Heb. 13:18-19)?

9. What has the “God of peace” done and can and will make you (Heb. 13:20-21)

10. What is said about exhortation, knowing certain brethren, and saluting (Heb. 13:22-25)