Today’s Reading: Exodus 25-28
Things to remember in today’s reading:
- Contributions for the Sanctuary are solicited from every man who’s “heart moves him” (25:2)
- Instructions are given for the building of the Ark of the Covenant, the building of the Table for the Bread of the Presence, the Golden Lamp stand, the Bronze Altar, The Court and the Tabernacle and a caution to make them all according to the “pattern … shown on the mountain (25:40; 26:30; and 27:8)
Things God is teaching me in today’s reading:
- The importance of worshipping God according to His pattern
- The care with which God expects me to approach my service to and my relationship with Him. The principle repeated over and over in Scripture is that those who honor Him, He will honor (1st Samuel 2:30)
- The light that was to be “tended” by Aaron and his sons from evening to morning (27:20-21) reminds me of my responsibility to be a light shining before others that they may see my good works and give glory to my Father who is in heaven (Matthew 5:16).
- The charge to Aaron and his sons to serve God as priests (28:1-5) reminds me of the charge to me to be a holy priest to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (1st Peter 2:5).
- Today’s reading impresses upon me the skill that is called forth by God as He details, with great intricacy, the various items that He commands His people to “make” for His service. They are all made for glory and beauty (28:40).
Things to act on in today’s reading:
- I will give only my best to the Lord
- When I am tempted to pursue my own plans for building, I will read God’s plan again!
Things to pray about in today’s reading:
- Lord, help me to honor You in all that I do!
- Lord, help me to see clearly what actions to take that will honor Your plan for my life, that will allow me to fulfill my role as “provider” to my family (1st Timothy 5:8)
Thanks for reading with me dear friend. Have a blessed day!!
— Randy Sexton