Today’s Scripture: Philippians 1-2
Things to remember in today’s reading:
- Paul greets and prays for the saints in Christ who are at Philippi, thanking them for the partnership with him in the gospel (1:1-11).
- Paul reflects upon his imprisonment and how the still advancing. He expresses great confidence in the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ to deliver him, whether by life or by death (1:12-30)
- Paul encourages these brethren to unite in love and humility, looking to Christ as the perfect example, and to live as lights in the world (2:1-18).
- Paul offers Timothy and Epaphroditus as examples of a service-centered life (2:19-30
Things God is teaching me in today’s reading:
- “Joy” and “affection” and “hope” and “love” and “rejoicing” are words that should be a regular part of the Christian’s vocabulary and of his life!
- Even when in dire physical circumstances, we can be a force for advancing the gospel when we maintain a can do attitude that says, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain!”
- Our manner of life is to be WORTHY of the gospel!
- What a better place this world would be if we all had the “mind of Christ” who took the form of a servant!
Things to act on in today’s reading:
- I will do all things without grumbling or complaining!
- I will do nothing from rivalry, or conceit but in humility I will count others more significant than myself!
Things to pray about in today’s reading:
- For a servant’s heart like Timothy and Epaphroditus had!
Thanks for reading with me dear friend. Have a blessed day!!
— Randy Sexton